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Managing Your Notifications

Staying informed about the actions and updates within Ply is crucial for smooth operations. Ply's notification system ensures you never miss out on important updates. 🔔

Here's how you can manage your notifications settings:

Accessing Notification Settings:

  1. Navigate to Settings: Log in to your Ply account and click on the 'Settings' icon, typically found in the bottom left corner of the sidebar.
  1. Select 'Notifications': Within the Settings menu, you will find various options. Click on ‘Notifications’ to access and manage your email preferences.

Customizing Your Notifications:

  • Material Requests: Toggle this option to receive email updates on material request statuses, important for tracking RFQs and communications with suppliers.
  • System Notifications: Keep this enabled to get emails regarding account updates, data integrations sync, and general Ply communications, ensuring you're up-to-date with your account’s health and connectivity.
  • Financing Communication: It's crucial to stay on top of your financing applications and related communications. We recommend keeping these notifications active as they often contain time-sensitive information.
  • Product & Marketing Updates: For news on the latest product features and marketing offerings from Ply, opt-in for these emails. They'll keep you informed about new opportunities and enhancements.

Managing Preferences:

  • Each notification type has a toggle switch. Green indicates active notifications, and grey means they are disabled.
  • Click on the toggle to switch your preferences. Enable what's important to you and disable anything you don't need.
  • It’s recommended to periodically review these settings to ensure they align with your current role and needs.

When you’re on the main notifications management screen it will look like this.

Notion image

Remember, changes to notification settings will be saved automatically, and you can modify them at any time to suit your changing needs. If you need assistance with notifications or have any questions, Ply's support team is ready to help via phone, email, or live chat.

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