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How Catalog + Stock Work Together


⁉️ Ply's platform offers a comprehensive approach to managing your materials by intelligently utilizing both the catalog and stock features.

Catalog: Materials Repository

  • Repository of Materials: Think of your catalog as a materials database. It houses the details of all materials, tools, and parts that your business uses or orders.
  • Material Details: Within the catalog, you can maintain extensive information about each item, including specifications, unit costs, suppliers, and default quantities for orders.

Stock: Inventory Tracking

  • Inventory Management: While the catalog is ‘static’, stock is dynamic. It represents the actual count and location of your materials.
  • Location Specific: Your stock quantities are tied to specific locations, such as warehouses, job sites, or service trucks.

Interaction Between Catalog and Stock

  • Material Duplication: When you need to track inventory, you ‘copy’ or assign items from your catalog into your stock. This is where the quantity of each item is managed.
  • Inventory Levels: As materials are used, returned, or reordered, the stock levels are updated, providing a real-time view of inventory across your business.

How Catalog works with RFQs

  • RFQs and Ordering: When creating RFQs or placing orders, you pull information from the catalog and update the stock levels when items are received.
  • Analytics and Insights: The catalog provides the data needed for analytics, while stock usage patterns help inform restocking decisions and financial forecasting.

Streamlined Operations

  • No Redundant Entries: With this system, there’s no need to enter the same material information repeatedly for different jobs or locations.
  • Efficiency: Managing your materials and tools becomes more efficient because catalog and stock work in tandem, minimizing errors and saving time.
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