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🔗 How to Manage Tools, Assets, and Equipment?

🔧 Tool & Equipment Management in Ply 🛠️

Never lose track of your tools again with Ply's powerful tool and equipment management features! Here's how it works:

  1. Find Your Tools in the Catalog 📚
    1. Head to the Tools tab in the catalog where you can filter and search by tool name, location, job, assignment, or status.

  1. Track Tool Details 🛠️
    1. View each tool's information, including units on hand, assigned locations/jobs, and detailed attributes like serial numbers, descriptions, and purchase info. You can also see who’s currently using the tool and where.

  1. Edit Tool Info ✏️
    1. Easily update tool names, serial numbers, purchase details, or status (like marking a tool as damaged). You can also print barcodes for easy identification.

  1. Track Tools by Location 📍
    1. In your stock locations, you can view available tools, their status, and the job they’re assigned to. Need to move a tool? Transfer it between locations, like a warehouse or truck.

  1. Assign Tools to Users 👨‍🔧
    1. Assign tools to team members, track who has each tool, and ensure it’s returned after use.

Whether you're managing $10k or $1M worth of tools, Ply helps you keep everything in check! 💡


Check out this tutorial!

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