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How to Generate a Picklist PDF and Print for Your Jobs 📄

🚀 Generate a Picklist PDF in Ply – Fast & Easy!

📍 Step 1: Navigate to Stock Locations

Head over to Stock Locations in Ply and click on the Picklist tab. Here, you’ll find picklists ready to be assembled.

✅ Step 2: Choose Your Picklist

Select a picklist that includes the materials needed for a specific job. This ensures everything is properly documented.

🖨️ Step 3: Generate the Picklist PDF

Click on the Print Options in the upper-right corner and hit Generate Picklist. Ply will create a PDF containing all the details for efficient material handling.

🔍 Step 4: Review Your Picklist

Your PDF will include:

✔️ Job Name

✔️ Warehouse & Destination Details

✔️ List of Materials to Pick

✔️ Barcodes for Quick Scanning

✔️ Aisle Locations for easy retrieval

📄 Step 5: Print & Use the Picklist

Once generated, print the picklist and hand it over to your team. They can use it to pick materials quickly and accurately!

Picklists Guide

Managing Picklists


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