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📊 Activity and Reports

Activity 🕙

🏃 In Ply, 'activity' refers to all the actions performed with materials in any given stock location. Here's how these activities are recorded:

  • Material Requests: When materials are requested for a job or task.
  • Transfers: Movement of materials, including:
    • From warehouse to trucks.
    • Between trucks.
    • From trucks back to the warehouse.
  • Usage on Jobs: When materials are utilized for a specific job, the system records the deduction from the stock.
  • Stock Additions: Any time new materials are added to a location, whether it's a warehouse or a truck.

Both manual entries and barcode scans are captured as activities, providing a comprehensive history of stock movements and usage.

Report Features Overview 📊

  • Location Comparison 🌍: Easily compare material usage across all your locations.
  • Low Stock Alerts 📉: Receive notifications when materials are running low and need a refill.This report shows your stock levels across all locations. Filter by Min QTY and Zero QTY to quickly see items that are out of stock or critical.
  • Dead-Shelf Stock 🛑: Filter out materials that haven’t been used in 30, 60, or 90 days.
  • Movement Reporting 🚚: Track why materials are being moved between locations and jobs.
  • Inventory Count Sheet 📋: Keep an eye on material usage and frequency.
  • PO/Invoice Reporting 💳: View all invoices processed in Ply.
  • Supplier Reporting 🛠️: Gain insights into supplier data and performance.
  • Variance Reporting 🔎: Detect any variations in your inventory, such as duplicates or materials not yet associated with a location. This is especially useful during onboarding as you sync and organize your catalog in Ply.

Exporting Reports 📥

You can now export your reports as PDF or Excel files to make the most out of them!

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